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【4K】MGS铁粉虚幻4引擎重制《合金装备3:食蛇者》名场面“蛇梯” | Warpgazer Animations

2022-9-17 13:11
[视频作者] KG-Area21
[视频时长] 3:59
[视频类型] 单机游戏
https://youtu.be/Ye_KMq_8RFw Metal Gear Solid 3 FAN REMAKE - "Snake's Ladder" [UHD] 作者:Warpgazer Animations Remake of one of the most iconic scenes in MGS3: The ladder scene. As an Easter present for everonye, we decided to spend a few weeks to recreate t
[图]【4K】MGS铁粉虚幻4引擎重制《合金装备3:食蛇者》名场面“蛇梯” | Warpgazer Animations
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