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肖邦 e小调第一钢琴协奏曲 玛丽亚•扬多•皮尔斯 Emmanuel Krivine 指挥欧洲室内乐团

2022-5-12 22:09
[视频作者] LSO伦教交响乐团
[视频时长] 44:18
[视频类型] 音乐综合
转自 YouTube GreatPerformers1 Maria João Pires plays CHOPIN PIANO CONCERTO # 1 in E minor- Emmanuel Krivine conducting the Chamber Orchestra of Europe. Opinions of the concerto differ. Some critics feel that the orchestral support as written is dry and un
[图]肖邦 e小调第一钢琴协奏曲 玛丽亚•扬多•皮尔斯 Emmanuel Krivine 指挥欧洲室内乐团
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