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莫扎特歌剧《女人心》Così fan tutte 阿巴多指挥 费拉拉市立剧院

2022-4-29 4:10
[视频作者] iclassica
[视频时长] 201:0
[视频类型] 音乐现场
rai From the Teatro Comunale of Ferrara Cosi fan tutti by Mozart in the staging signed by the director Mario Martone, with the musical direction of Maestro Claudio Abbado. In the cast Melanie Diener, Anna Caterina Antonacci, Charles Workman, Nicola Ulivie
[图]莫扎特歌剧《女人心》Così fan tutte 阿巴多指挥 费拉拉市立剧院
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www.bilibili.com  2022-10-9 19:19
www.ixigua.com  2022-11-6 15:00
v.qq.com  2021-9-6 22:14
haokan.baidu.com  2022-11-6 15:00
haokan.baidu.com  2021-7-2 11:19
douyin.com  2022-10-23 17:28
video.360kan.com  2021-3-7 3:25
video.360kan.com  2021-3-7 3:25
open.163.com  2021-7-4 22:13
open.163.com  2021-7-9 12:40
www.bilibili.com  2-1 22:01