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每日夜读day269:一剪梅 舟过吴江(许渊冲译)

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一剪梅 舟过吴江(许渊冲译) 一片春愁待酒浇。江上舟摇。楼上帘招。 Can boundless grief be drowned in spring wine? My boat tossed by waves high, Streamers of wineshop fly 秋娘渡与泰娘桥。风又飘飘。雨又萧萧。 The Farewell Ferry and the Beauty's Bridge would pine: Wind blows from hour to hour; Rain falls 每日夜读语录 每日夜读经典 每日夜读文章 每日夜读 每日夜读经典文 每日夜读图片 每日夜读金句 每日夜读从哪听 每日夜读在线收听 每日夜读感悟人生 每日夜读day269:一剪梅 舟过吴江(许渊冲译)