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【电影录音剪辑】【西德影片】英俊少年 Heintje - Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen (1970)

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少年海因切虽自幼丧母,却从没失掉过对生活的乐观,他与父亲卡尔一起过着平静幸福的生活,每日,他都会对“不听话”的父亲“管教”一番。海因切的外公贝特霍德是一名大实业家,早在海因切未出生时,他就因反对女儿和卡尔结婚与女儿切断了关系,某银行家的儿子为敲诈他将一笔银行失窃款栽赃到卡尔身上时,他视而不见,结果卡尔入狱,海因切在法律的帮助下来到他身边。渐渐地,贝特霍德感受到海因切带给他的温暖,而父亲被人冤枉的事,海因切也于无意间得知。 forget to do sth和forget doing sth的区别 i carried my bags into the hall i really want to stay at your house would like to do和would like doing slow down and stop at a yellow light翻译 what fun the water festival is的解析 knowing yourself is the beginning a true friend touches your heart antimalware service executable占用内存高 do you often read books in this park 【电影录音剪辑】【西德影片】英俊少年 Heintje - Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen (1970)