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《臣服实验》作者迈克辛格:活在臣服之地 Insights At The Edge

2021-11-29 22:28
[视频作者] Kinyan八块腹肌
[视频时长] 21:3
[视频类型] 社科·法律·心理
This week on Insights at the Edge with Tami Simon, a rebroadcast of the interview with Michael Singer on how to be living from a place of surrender, yoga and meditation. 《臣服实验》作者迈克 辛格讲述了如何生活于臣服、瑜伽和冥想中。
[图]《臣服实验》作者迈克辛格:活在臣服之地 Insights At The Edge
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