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清代在东北举行的祖先祭祀仪 Qing Dynasty ancestor worship ritual staged in NE China,manju manc

2021-11-29 20:03
[视频作者] 满族空间
[视频时长] 1:25
[视频类型] 野生技能协会
转自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-3rG8il4CU New China TV (youtube 新华网) 2016年10月7日发布 An ancestor worship ritual of Qing Dynasty was staged at a royal tomb in NE China during the National Day holiday, drawing large crowds of on-lookers. 清代在东北举行的祖先祭祀仪式
[图]清代在东北举行的祖先祭祀仪 Qing Dynasty ancestor worship ritual staged in NE China,manju manc
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