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港式步操教学Sword Drill Lesson 4 - Saluting on the March in Slow and Quick Time

2021-11-20 20:36
[视频作者] bili_123181769
[视频时长] 1:30
[视频类型] 校园学习
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfqsRyAOheI 香港领袖少年团(受政府资助的青少年制服团体)Corps Sergeant Major The next stage in sword exercises is to learn how to Salute to a Flank whilst on the March in Slow and Quick Time. The movements are taught to enable a compliment to be
[图]港式步操教学Sword Drill Lesson 4 - Saluting on the March in Slow and Quick Time
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