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司空曙《喜外弟卢纶见宿》二首 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 中英文朗读版Chinese and English recitation

2021-10-24 12:45
[视频作者] 佛净
[视频时长] 3:53
[视频类型] 人文历史
喜外弟卢纶见宿 司空曙 静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。 雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。 以我独沉久,愧君相见频。 平生自有分,况是蔡家亲。 When Lu Lun my cousin comes for the night SiKong Shu With no other neighbour but the quiet night, Here I live in the same old cottage; And as raindrops brighten yellow leaves,
[图]司空曙《喜外弟卢纶见宿》二首 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 中英文朗读版Chinese and English recitation
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