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【木笛/竖笛】Aldo Bova - 亨德尔d小调奏鸣曲

2021-10-18 3:35
[视频作者] alexbird33
[视频时长] 19:17
[视频类型] 演奏
https://youtu.be/t74UKY6a5HI Bova大爷一贯风格,后半部分是带谱示奏哦,一起练吧。(不过他加了很多乐谱上没有的装饰音) 2020年3月3日发布 the sonata is for flute in B minor, here i play it with an alto recorder, so a minor third higher (in d minor) as used ever when you have to play a music written for
[图]【木笛/竖笛】Aldo Bova - 亨德尔d小调奏鸣曲
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