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Days of the Week Song - 7 Days of the Week_by The Learning Station 超清

2021-10-17 10:11
[视频作者] 问题少女_
[视频时长] 2:21
[视频类型] 综合
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYwOTg1MjAyNA==.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2 原作者名: The learning station 原视频标题: Days of the Week Song - 7 Days of the week 简介: 内容是英文一周七天的表达。在视频中,跟着一起安静地唱-高声地唱,拍手唱,跺脚唱,骄傲地唱出来,通过不同的形式边做动作边学习7 days of the week。 原地址
[图]Days of the Week Song - 7 Days of the Week_by The Learning Station 超清
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