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4K | 美女与野兽串烧【Lexi Walker×BYU Vocal Point】Beauty and the Beast A Cappella Medley

2021-10-17 9:36
[视频作者] Souvenir30
[视频时长] 5:6
[视频类型] MV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx9vkm_VLAk Beauty and the Beast A Cappella Medley - BYU Vocal Point ft. Lexi Walker - 4K - 4K画质!3首歌的串烧: 1. Belle 2. Be Our Guest 3. Beauty and the Beast 纯人声翻唱。场景等等都做得很好,强推!
[图]4K | 美女与野兽串烧【Lexi Walker×BYU Vocal Point】Beauty and the Beast A Cappella Medley
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