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【1080p+】王羽佳弹奏斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲 / two sonatas by Scarlatti with Yuja Wang

2021-9-29 7:50
[视频作者] 大艺术家马学友
[视频时长] 5:9
[视频类型] 演奏
youtube The 2009 Verbier Festival starred two generations of pianists: the "Argentinian lion" Martha Argerich and the young Chinese Yuja Wang. On the program, Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 2 with Martha Argerich and two sonatas by Scarlatti with Yuja Wan
[图]【1080p+】王羽佳弹奏斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲 / two sonatas by Scarlatti with Yuja Wang
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