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St James Infirmary Blues(圣詹姆斯医院蓝调) - 1906 Sterling Upright Piano

2021-9-27 4:09
[视频作者] Titi_ko
[视频时长] 4:12
[视频类型] 音乐现场
https://youtu.be/q9IdNf_BotA ↑原视频地址 ↓原简介 After falling in love with Gene Austin's 1930 recording, and before getting the piano in tune, I decided to give a little rendition of the "St James Infirmary Blues." Though I've loved this classic standard for man
[图]St James Infirmary Blues(圣詹姆斯医院蓝调) - 1906 Sterling Upright Piano
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