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【Phildel】Moonsea 月亮海 出自专辑《The Disappearance of the Girl》

2021-9-24 10:50
[视频作者] Bielegeber
[视频时长] 4:9
[视频类型] MV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZVzMTt2UTk 作品类型: 官方MV 作品语种: 英语 歌手: Phildel 曲名: Moonsea 简介补充: 歌词: I called it the moon scene, It is a cruel dream, At the end of my day your gravity reaches Such a long way. Here in the moon scene, It is a cruel dream,
[图]【Phildel】Moonsea 月亮海 出自专辑《The Disappearance of the Girl》
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