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海顿 降E大调小号协奏曲 北极爱乐乐团

2021-8-11 11:17
[视频作者] LSO伦教交响乐团
[视频时长] 16:32
[视频类型] 演奏
转自 YouTube AVOTROS Klassiek The Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra - the most northerly professional orchestra of the world - performs the 'Trumpet Concerto in E flat major' by Joseph Haydn in The Sunday Morning Concert of Sunday the 11th of November 2018. The
[图]海顿 降E大调小号协奏曲 北极爱乐乐团
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www.ixigua.com  2021-4-15 14:45
www.bilibili.com  2021-8-11 11:17