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【肖恩X茉莉】英国兄妹第一首原创合唱竟然是中国风,配上景德镇的画面毫无违和感|《青花蓝》逆水寒 X 景德镇联动推广曲

2021-7-18 12:48
[视频作者] 肖恩Shaun-Gibson
[视频时长] 4:24
[视频类型] 原创音乐
China Blue 青花蓝 逆水寒 X 景德镇联动推广曲 Eyes closed take me back to those glory days 双眸一闭 思绪翻飞是往昔 On the mountain tops in the emerald haze 巍巍山巅漫卷烟云雾霭 See the wisp of smoke rising through the rays 坐看青烟渐消隐 As the sun begins to fade 弥散在初升的朝阳 Oh I can still smell the
[图]【肖恩X茉莉】英国兄妹第一首原创合唱竟然是中国风,配上景德镇的画面毫无违和感|《青花蓝》逆水寒 X 景德镇联动推广曲
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