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顾况《宫词》中英文朗读版 许渊冲译 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏 Chinese poetry

宫词 顾况 玉楼天半起笙歌, 风送宫嫔笑语和。 月殿影开闻夜漏, 水精帘卷近秋河。 A palace poem Gu Kuang From the jade bower songs float halfway up the sky; The wind carries the palace maids' gay voices high. The moon is slanting, drips of water-clock are heard; The screen uprolled, the 顾况《宫词》中英文朗读版 许渊冲译 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏 Chinese poetry