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银河战士零点任务的氛围( The Atmosphere of Metroid: Zero Mission )

2021-7-2 20:10
[视频作者] Sadi223
[视频时长] 8:31
[视频类型] 单机游戏
搬运翻译自: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCvVpizYt-s patreon支持原作者DanRoot:www.patreon.com/DanRoot 爱发电支持译者: https://afdian.net/@sadi223 It's that time of year where I study how Metroid games create their atmosphere of isolation, fear and dread.
[图]银河战士零点任务的氛围( The Atmosphere of Metroid: Zero Mission )
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