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【中韩字幕】GUMMY - I Wanna Be With You (某天灭亡走进我家门 OST Part.4)

GUMMY演唱的《 I Wanna Be with you》装饰了阴暗阴凉气息的特别存在灭亡(徐仁国饰)和想要爱他同时生命倒计时100天的同景(朴宝英饰)的哀切初吻场面受到了观众们和听众们的热烈关注。《I Wanna Be With you》是一首以抒情的小提琴、丰富的管弦乐声音表现两人如命运般渗透的爱情的歌曲。随着歌曲的后半部分逐渐高涨的旋律与感性深厚的GUMMY的声音相融合最后爱情的深情和悲伤感情加倍。 forget to do sth和forget doing sth的区别 slow down and stop at a yellow light翻译 antimalware service executable占用内存高 我落泪情绪零碎日本版 i really want to stay at your house would like to do和would like doing a friend in need is a friend indeed toward a brighter future for all翻译 what fun the water festival is的解析 everyone thinks of changing the world 【中韩字幕】GUMMY - I Wanna Be With You (某天灭亡走进我家门 OST Part.4)