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【钢琴】王羽佳 演奏 Galuppi 第五奏鸣曲

2021-6-28 2:45
[视频作者] 汪立三
[视频时长] 4:18
[视频类型] 演奏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku2VyjPsdTg 原标题:Yuja Wang, Galuppi, Sonata in C major 原简介:How to play a simple sonata in a simple way: that's the great art! (Slight difference from the score: Yuja doesn't play the repetitions; on the other hand, she repe
[图]【钢琴】王羽佳 演奏 Galuppi 第五奏鸣曲
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