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[读书] 艺术无用论?(《道林格雷》序言赏析)- Is Art Useless:Reading Oscar Wilde's Preface Together

2021-6-25 6:50
[视频作者] Keithkris
[视频时长] 20:47
[视频类型] 人文历史
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSChrTARSek&list=WL&index=1 Ben更新了! 任何读过The Picture of Dorian Gray的读者都会反复品味preface,Ben也不例外哦,很多他提到的点我也有同感! As a believer of the Preface, I'd say art is beautifully useless, and in its uselessness lie beauty and truth.
[图][读书] 艺术无用论?(《道林格雷》序言赏析)- Is Art Useless:Reading Oscar Wilde's Preface Together
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