2021-6-9 12:33
Brand New 1订阅 TA的doki First things first: forget everything you thought you knew about Brand New. These are not the same men that wrote Your Favourite Weapon and Déjà Entendu. Well, they are, but figuratively speaking they're not the same. The members of Brand New had little co 详细 Russell Brand TA的doki 英伦喜剧演员拉塞尔·布兰德在被招至贾德·阿帕图麾下后迅速在好莱坞走红,没有人像他这样无所不用其极地丑化英伦摇滚乐手,却同样受到偶像般的热烈崇拜。他在《忘掉莎拉·马歇尔》中扮演了抢走男主角的莎拉·马歇尔的英伦摇滚乐队InfantSorrow主唱,令很多不熟 详细
![[图]Brand New](https://i.gtimg.cn/qqlive/images/namelib/v688/3/0/2/174302.jpg)
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