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巴赫 d小调第一法国组曲 BWV. 812 - Francesco Corti · 荷兰巴赫协会

2021-5-25 2:04
[视频作者] LSO伦教交响乐团
[视频时长] 23:7
[视频类型] 演奏
转自 YouTube Netherlands Bach Society The 'French' Suite in D minor, performed by Francesco Corti for All of Bach, is the most classical of the six ‘French’ suites. Bach keeps strictly to the usual order of the dances: allemande, courante, sarabande, two mi
[图]巴赫 d小调第一法国组曲 BWV. 812 - Francesco Corti · 荷兰巴赫协会
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