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【温哥华交响乐团】贝多芬 F大调第六交响曲 Op.68“田园”丨Otto Tausk

2021-5-19 2:29
[视频作者] 死亡诗约
[视频时长] 50:14
[视频类型] 演奏
youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5XRT9Yg918&t=47s In response to the COVID-19 crisis and subsequent closure of Vancouver's performing arts spaces, Maestro Otto Tausk and the musicians of the VSO gathered in an empty Orpheum Theatre to livestream
[图]【温哥华交响乐团】贝多芬 F大调第六交响曲 Op.68“田园”丨Otto Tausk
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