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【亨利·珀塞尔】Great Parent, Hail to Thee - Henry Purcell Z327 | 演奏:Bach Consort

2021-5-4 21:24
[视频作者] PiggyScamander
[视频时长] 22:12
[视频类型] 演奏
转载自油管 1. From: Holman, Peter, Henry Purcell, Oxford Studies of Composers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 184–5. ‘Great parent, hail’ Z327 is one of Purcell’s least-known works. (185) It was written for the centenary of the foundation of Trinity
[图]【亨利·珀塞尔】Great Parent, Hail to Thee - Henry Purcell Z327 | 演奏:Bach Consort
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