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【TEDed】加缪:生命的意义是什么?Is life meaningless And other absurd questions

2021-4-14 5:35
[视频作者] TEDed野生字幕君
[视频时长] 18:39
[视频类型] 社科人文
https://ed.ted.com/ Dive into Albert Camus’ philosophy of the absurd, and explore the question: if the world is meaningless, could our lives still hold value? 深入探讨阿尔伯特·加缪(Albert Camus)的荒诞哲学,并探讨一个问题:如果世界毫无意义,我们的生活是否仍会有价值?
[图]【TEDed】加缪:生命的意义是什么?Is life meaningless And other absurd questions
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