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蓬皮杜艺术中心作者的演讲(转载)——The genius behind some of the world's most famous buildings

2021-4-12 23:26
[视频作者] 建筑小食堂
[视频时长] 15:2
[视频类型] 野生技术协会
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRfudKFLAmI 本视频转载自YouTube,是皮亚诺在TED的演讲。 题目是——The genius behind some of the world's most famous buildings. 后续up主也会精心筛选一些国外建筑的视频,供大家交流学习。 但不会影响到案例分析的更新,大家放心~
[图]蓬皮杜艺术中心作者的演讲(转载)——The genius behind some of the world's most famous buildings
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